1) What has been recently completed
Finished putting together our paper prototype.
Hannah - Drawing and cutting out paper prototype objects - cassette, vinyl, and one enemy type. Creating perspective lane backgrounds for the paper prototype. Putting the cutout paper prototype objects onto sticks to be movable in the presentation.
Jacob - Drawing and cutting out boombox and ipod nano objects. Brainstorming more powerups for the next iteration of the game.
Christa - Drawing and cutting out the airpod and one of the enemy types asset. Brainstorming more powerups for the next iteration of the game.
2) What each person is currently working on
Christa - Prepare to present the paper prototype.
Jacob - Prepare to present the paper prototype.
Hannah - Prepare to present the paper prototype.
3) What features/ideas or on the backlog are to be done next
Present the prototype, get feedback, and then work on the digital prototype.
4) Analysis of playtesting (probably as a separate page)
No playtesting yet.
5) Obstacles that are blocking development
Difficulties coming up with a cohesive game feel and trying to find more interesting mechanics.
6) Reflection on game and process.
What's working - The paper prototype came together really well, we really enjoy the game thus far.
What's not working - We are concerned with having a rhythm game if we'll be able to get the timing correct.