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June 6 - Final Presentation


1) What has been recently completed

Christa - Worked on designing level 3 & 4. Finished up any little bugs found along the way.

Jacob - Worked on designing level 5. Wrapped up final versions of the code.

Hannah - Created final powerpoint and video. Designed level 1 & 2. Created any final assets needed before presentation.

2) What each person is currently working on

Christa - Finishing final version of code.

Jacob - Finishing final version of code.

Hannah - Working on the trailer.

3) What features/ideas or on the backlog are to be done next

- If we were to have more time we would add more power-ups that were specific to certain levels and create different levels as well.

4) Analysis of playtesting (probably as a separate page)

Friends and classmates are currently play testing. One commented that the "Art style is very cute, but I have trouble processing all the different icons on the screen that change on every beat. Maybe color code them with thick outlines and make icons bigger (I can barely see the tapes) Music is great, maybe one day implement uploading our own music and having it generate levels Menu screen is logical, info screen is helpful, boombox is very helpful for understanding the timing (but maybe it could fade so players can see it coming and get the timing a bit more finely) Rated 3/5 because it has a ton of potential, but the difficultly level and visual information overload make the game feel less accessible to me". Another commented "good game but a little difficult feels like the beat didn't line up with how the player was supposed to move". Someone else suggested adding a key to show them what they are collecting and what to do to use the things they collected. Overall, the one thing that we repeatedly get comments on is the movement of the player and no matter how many times we change how it moves someone still isn't happy with it so we'll have to do a lot more trial and error on that.

5) Obstacles that are blocking development

- Final deadline soon. Its our last push before we present our final game so at this point we are wrapping up the game to a nice, completed version.

6) Reflection on game and process.

What's working - Game is coming together well, we are proud of what we created.

What's not working - We weren't able to implement everything we would have liked to.

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