1) What has been recently completed
Christa - Created enemy type that randomly teleports and sprite for that enemy.
Hannah - Created menu screen and started instruction screen
Jacob - Worked on having the game more integrated with the beat of the songs
2) What each person is currently working on
Christa - Creating an enemy that moves side to side, and changing from randomly teleporting to just teleporting between two locations. Finding music to put into other levels of the game.
Jacob - Implementing found code to integrate the beat directly into the spawning. Finding music for the game.
Hannah - Finishing game assets and development log entries, creating assets for laser and shield.
3) What features/ideas or on the backlog are to be done next
- More enemy movement
- Laser and shield assets
- Instructions page
- More music
4) Analysis of playtesting (probably as a separate page)
No recent playtest.
5) Obstacles that are blocking development
The beat being slightly off in the game, and finding music with a clear rhythm. Also the detail needed when laying out enemies, as side moving enemies or teleporting enemies cannot overlap with other pieces.
6) Reflection on game and process.
What's working - The spawning and adding more enemy mechanics is going mostly well.
What's not working - The code is starting to become more disorganized as we are complicating the way the rhythm works and adding more spawn types. Definitely bogged down by if statements and different sections of the code that are just 'hot fixes'.