1) What has been recently completed
Christa - Integrated both the side to side enemies and the teleporting enemies - though not able to show for the playtest due to change in spawning code. Created assets for the side to side enemies.
Jacob - Integrated the code to spawn according to the beat. This way the beat of the music is more exact with the gameplay.
Hannah - Finished almost all art assets, besides refining a few.
2) What each person is currently working on
Christa - Working on making the new code work with the old elements. Beginning to think about level design, and trying to re-implement the old enemy types.
Jacob - Working on making the new code work with the old elements. Trying to tweak the spawning to work better with the new code, and integrate the different enemy types.
Hannah - Re-doing shield assets and continuing to work on website and development log. Adding to instruction screen.
3) What features/ideas or on the backlog are to be done next
More music
Sound effects
Pop-up instruction text
Story elements
4) Analysis of playtesting (probably as a separate page)
- Players didn't love the holding down the button to move left and right
- Spawning is very confusing at this point and needs to be changed
- Indication of what button to press to use certain elements (laser)
- Bugs with the life counter and things spawning over each other
- Not sure what enemies are or aren't
- Avoiding power-ups because confused about what is good vs bad
5) Obstacles that are blocking development
The new way the code works is not integrating well with the pre-existing code. This is setting our team back a few steps. The assets are also a little messy looking with the space, and feel crowded. We are still unsure of how to make enemy elements more obvious.
6) Reflection on game and process.
What's working - The beat is more on track. The assets are all together and easier to view and change.
What's not working - The new code isn't going together well, things are seeming a bit disorganized with the code due to rushing, and the game is becoming crowded.